At i4Lead, we are experts in B2B email marketing, with experience in developing email campaigns that generate more leads and better quality leads.

We devise and run targeted email campaigns that speak to prospects and customers at different stages of the buyer journey.

We ensure that your email campaign improves awareness of and engagement with your brand. With The i4Lead’s email marketing expertise, each and every contact with your customer will add value to your marketing conversation.

What Is B2B Email Marketing?

“For every $1 spent, $44.25 is the average return on email marketing investment.” EXPERIAN

No other communications channel can speak directly between a brand and a consumer like email.

Many brands neglect email to focus on the more glamorous world of social media. But it is a medium that isn’t vulnerable to the fluctuations of a changing algorithm or latest social media fad.

With email, you control the entire communication process: content, time, exposure and responses.

Email Marketing is particularly effective for B2B buyers, where the purchase decision is typically much longer than B2C.

As a B2B company, it is extremely important to communicate with current and prospective clients on a consistent basis. B2B email marketing is a great way to do this, by sharing all valuable content such as blog posts, ebooks, white papers and news with prospects and customers. With the right B2B email marketing strategy in place, you can increase engagement, leads, conversions, and ultimately profit.

The team at the i4Lead will co-ordinate the whole process for you, from designing the email to distribution and follow you. Once the campaign is under-way, we will provide customised reports, which will reflect the marketing strategies that are most effective and which of them require improvement.

Our Specialist B2B Email Marketing Services

A strong email list is an excellent brand asset that can increase awareness, drive sales and boost loyalty. We’ve worked on a number of B2B email marketing campaigns, running integrated campaigns that include: 


An EDM campaign (Email Direct Marketing) is usually a single targeted message designed to engage the reader and encourage them to perform an action. A strong, clear message combined with short and sharp copy and a singular call-to-action works best to cut through the inbox clutter and stand out from the many other messages.


An email newsletter that compliments your website and sends relevant, targeted information to the right customers delivers a consistent brand message to your customers. We create Newsletters with a consistent look and feel so your readership knows exactly what to expect with each issue and where to find the content they are looking for. We work with you to define the right colour schemes, content, call-to-action and layout that will best resonate with your target audience.

Lead Generation Emails

A well-structured welcome email campaign is key to building a successful email marketing strategy. If you have a lot to say, a series of Welcome emails can be created to help educate prospects about your brand and gradually build a relationship with them before you start to push promotional offers to them.

At i4Lead, we make sure we get your Welcome emails deliver a great first impression every time.

Re-engagement Emails

A re-engagement email campaign can be a great way to stay in touch with lapsed members. Re-engaging members who have stopped opening or clicking on your email campaigns is an important part of all good quality email marketing lists as having non-engaged email addresses on your send list can have a negative impact on your deliverability.

Our specific services include:

  • Email Design and Production: When it comes to email design, we believe in the principles of user centred creative. This allows us to produce beautiful and functional emails that translate into real business objectives.
  • Email Strategy and Campaign Optimisation: An idea is only as good as its execution. That’s why we believe developing a good email strategy and campaign optimisation is the foundation of any successful email marketing campaign.
  • Email List Growth: Your email database is one of your most important assets. We work with you to ensure you have a clear acquisition and retention strategy as well as defining best practice goals for managing list hygiene.
  • Managed Email Marketing Services: i4Lead can act as an extension of your in-house marketing capabilities. This is where you can benefit from having email marketing professionals manage your entire program.

Contact us today to find out more about how our email marketing services can add value to your business.



Are you struggling to find the right approach to your B2B marketing?

Do you need help improving the way your business generates more and better quality leads?

Speak to i4Lead: our proven approach can help your business succeed.